About US

A message from the founder Ayo aka the nubian dragon​

The Nubian Dragon Chest has been created to give a platform to fantasy, sci-fi and africanfuturism authors from the African and Caribbean disapora.

With this subscription box you’ll only receive books from Black, Asian and other ethnic minorities writers of these genres.

The Nubian Dragon Chest will take you on a journey through worlds you never knew existed.​

What is the Nubian Dragon Chest?

The Nubian Dragon Chest is a quarterly fantasy book subscription box that highlights authors from Africa, Asian and Caribbean backgrounds.

We do the work and find you the hidden gems that you never knew you needed or wanted, we then build a box around the book, which includes a customised glass, customised bookmark, some character art, and other goodies.

This a community space for readers to explore new fantasy realms that 


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